Acebiomed, Inc. Corporation dream of 'Healthy life for mankind'

Palm PCR™

Diagen Diagen

Palm PCR™ COVID-19 Fast Real-time RT-PCR Kit

IVD-20-569 DX5010

IVD-20-881 DX5011

Ahram Biosystems, Inc. and AceBiomed, Inc. established r&d-manufacturing and sales linkage system


In-vitro diagnostic product to check for infection by SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19

Rapid diagnosis is possible within 50 minutes by using Fast Real-time RT-PCR composition

  • Test Principle
    1. Detection of E gene and RdRP gene using a Real-time RT-PCR kit according to guidelines published by the World Health Organization (WHO)
    2. Inspect internal control gene also to determine sample suitability
  • Feature(Superiority)
    1. When used in general real-time PCR kit such as Bio-Rad CFX96, 45 cycles of reverse transcription and PCR amplification are reduced by one-third from the existing 2-3 hours(50 minutes)
    2. Diagnosis time is shortened to less than 21 minutes when used with the Palm PCR S1 device developed by Ahram Biosystems, Inc.
      ( Palm PCR™ COVID-19 Fast POCT System PDF Download )